
The Office for the future

Reality is at a crisis point. We stand poised between two futures. We are at a moment in history where the future could be the best of times, or the future could be the worst of times. We stand at a unique pivotal point poised between unbearable promise and joy and unbearable peril and devastation. In response to the demand of this moment, we are convening the Office for the Future. 
The purpose of the Office for the Future is to articulate a set of First Principles and First Values, which are the context for the next great flowering of humanity. The First Principles and First Values activate the emergence of a new human and a new humanity, what we have called Homo amor, the fulfillment of Homo sapiens.

This is the new story of humanity that we need, to transform the exponential risk of the present and activate the exponential potential of the future. 


The world is changing so fast that the future is not going to look at all like today and certainly not like yesterday.

We need to imagine the highest of all possible futures. We must articulate a global ethos for a global civilization, based on the New Story. The New Story is woven from FIrst Values and First Principles, themselves drawn from the leading edge validated insights of the interior and exterior sciences, from the traditional and modern and postmodern epochs of human history. 

This is our absolute obligation, absolute joy, and absolute gift to ourselves and to our children. It is the gift that the stakeholders of the future demand from us.

The Office for the Future is the holding container for our Center for integral Wisdom Think Tank, our weekly broadcast One Mountain, Many Paths & the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

One world

Each division of the Office for the Future contributes a unique part to the larger One World vision. In the One World vision, diversity – a wide range of notes, symphonies, and instruments – is an expression of the underlying music, the patterns of intimate coherence that underlie our One World. Each division, in its particular field, will articulate – based on the best integration of all of the validated exterior and interior sciences  ...
a set of First Principles and First Values

One Love
One love icon


One / love

The Outrageous love Project | BOOKS & ACTIVISM

The Outrageous Love Project is key part of the popular public activism of The Office for the Future. The books and activist projects are based on the scientific premise that we live in a “self-organizing universe” in which each person contributes uniquely to the larger whole. ….

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One Eros - Office for the Future
One eros icon


One / Eros

The Eros Project | Phenomonology of Eros Books

The Eros Project is researching and writing a magnum-opus, game-changing, twelve-volume New Phenomenology of Eros. A two-volume abridged version and a short popular one-volume version and multimedia expressions – several key docuseries – are integral to the project. …

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One future - Office of the Future
one future icon


One / future

The Homo Amor Project | FOUNDATIONAL BOOKS

The key premise of the books and activist projects of this divison is to articulate the most inspired and pragmatic vision of then new human and the new humanity. We call this the “evolutionary fulfillment of Homo Sapien in Homo Amor”.

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One Wisdom - Office of the Future
One centre icon


One / wisdom

The Centre for integral Wisdom | think tank

The purpose of this division’s books and media projects is to articulate the foundational frameworks of the new human and the new humanity. We call that philosophy CosmoErotic Humanism. CosmoErotic Humanism is a broad-based philosophy …

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One foundation - Office of the Future
one foundation icon


One / evolution

The Foundation for Conscious Evolution

The Foundation for Conscious Evolution was founded by Barbara Marx Hubbard and continued by Dr. Marc Gafni. The purpose of the books and activist projects of this division is to articulate the momentous idea of Conscious Evolution...

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One Mountain: Many Paths
one future icon


One / Mountain

Online & interactive platform | weekly broadcast

One Mountain, Many Paths is an online, interactive activist community, committed to playing a larger game and directly participating in the evolution of culture and consciousness which is the evolution of love. One Mountain is ...

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one future icon




Creating Evolutionary We-Space to practice Outrageous Love in community remains one of our core missions at the Eros Mystery School. This college is an evolutionary educational platform, that acts as a source of both renewal and inspiration, as we ...

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one future icon


ONE / Uniqueness

Unique Self Institute | books

The Unique Self Institute, directed by Claire Molinard, is committed to answering the questions of “Who am I and Who Are You?”, and in doing so, to articulate a shared narrative of identity that transforms both our experience of ourselves and ...

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The great library

The great library is made up of two kinds of books, Foundational books and Impact books
There are 2 kinds of foundational books: one that are written by the fellows of the Center and the second written by others that we have found to be seminal in terms of their contribution to the New Story of Value that we are articulating here at the Office for the Future. The first set of Foundational Books are completed. The purpose of the Office for the Future is to resource the research, articulation, writing and delivering into culture of the Great Library; a New Set of Foundational and what we call Impact Books and media projects that will be the strange attractor toward the memory of the future. The deployment of the Great Library in public culture, through a carefully developed set of strategies, is directly aimed at catalyzing the evolution of consciousness and culture. To be clear: without deploying a new set of First Principles and First Values and evolving the source code of consciousness and culture, humanity will likely not survive the existential risks which threaten our civilization at this pivotal phase-shift moment in human history.


One / Centre
one centre icon - Office of the Future
Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Dr. Marc Gafni
Now available
One / Centre
one centre icon - Office of the Future
Self in Integral Evolutionary Mysticism: Two Models and Why They Matter
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Dr. Marc Gafni
Now available
One / Eros
one eros icon - Office of the Future
A Return to Eros: The Radical Experience of Being Fully Alive
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Dr. Marc Gafni and Dr. Kristina Kincaid
Now available
One / Centre
one centre icon - Office of the Future
Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Ken Wilber
Now available
One / Eros
one eros icon - Office of the Future
Sex, Ecology, and Spirituality
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Ken Wilber
Now available
One / Centre
one centre icon - Office of the Future
Education in a Time Between Worlds
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Zachary Stein
Now available
One / Centre
one centre icon - Office of the Future
Social Justice and Educational Measurement
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Zachary Stein
Now available
One / Foundation
one foundation icon - Office of the Future
Conscious evolution - Barbara Marx Hubbard
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Now available
One / Foundation
one foundation icon - Office of the Future
Birth 2012 and beyond
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Now available
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
The Relevance of General Systems Theory
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Ervin Laszlo
Now Available
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
Evolution The Grand Synthesis
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Ervin Laszlo
Now Available
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
The God Problem How a Godless Cosmos Creates
Written by ThinkTank Fellow:
Howard Bloom
Now Available
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
Jean Piaget Symposia Series
Jean Piaget Symposia Series
Now Available

Impact books

One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
The Intimate Cosmos
The Intimate Cosmos
Dr Marc Gafni
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
From Crisis to Crossing
From Crisis to Crossing
Dr Marc Gafni
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
Glory to the heroes
Glory to the heroes
Dr Marc Gafni & Dr Elena Maslova-Levin
One / Future
one future icon - Office of the Future
There is a welcome home sign in kosmos and in your life
There is a welcome home sign in kosmos and in your life
Dr Marc Gafni
Soon available
One / Love
one love icon - Office of the Future
The radical path of the outrageous lover
The radical path of the outrageous lover
Dr Marc Gafni & Dr Kristina Kincaid
More info
One / Love
one love icon - Office of the Future
The Outrageous love manifesto
The Outrageous love manifesto
Dr Marc Gafni & Dr Kristina Kincaid
More info
One / Eros
one eros icon - Office of the Future
The complete phonomenology of Eros - volume 1
The complete phonomenology of Eros - volume 1
Dr Marc Gafni & Dr Kristina Kincaid
Soon available
One / Eros
one eros icon - Office of the Future
Dr Marc Gafni
Soon available
One / Love
one love icon - Office of the Future
The Intimate Universe
The Intimate Universe
Dr Marc Gafni, Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr Zachary Stein
Soon available
One / Love
one love icon - Office of the Future
From conspiracy theory to the great conspiring of reality
From conspiracy theory to the great conspiring of reality
Dr Marc Gafni
Soon available
One / Love
one love icon - Office of the Future
The Universe: a love story
The Universe: a love story
Dr Marc Gafni, Barbara Marx Hubbard & Dr Zachary Stein
Soon available

Founders - partners - fellows


In the last six years of Barbara’s life — which were filled with energy and activism that would make a twenty-year-old blush — her primary collaboration was with The Center for Integral Wisdom. Barbara considered Dr. Marc Gafni, founder of the Center, to be her primary evolutionary partner in terms of thought. Using a term from one of their forthcoming books, she proudly spoke of Marc as her “whole mate” - her partner in shared vision and activism for the sake of evolution.  Barbara and Marc communicated several times a day for many years, around multiple initiatives both in terms of writing, study, and activism.

Marc and Barbara worked closely with their colleague and dear friend Dr. Zachary Stein who is the co-president of the Center for Integral Wisdom and the Office for the Future, where he has been in intellectual leadership with Dr. Gafni since 2013. When Barbara passed entrepreneur and social visionary Stephanie Valcke together with her husband came together with Dr. Gafni, Dr. Kristina Kincaid and Dr. Stein to envision the creation of an Office for the Future. The Office for the Future arises at time between worlds and a time between stories. We stand poised between unimaginable utopia or dystopia. The mission of the Office for the Future– similar to the mission of Da Vinci and his cohorts in the renaissance –is to articulate a a political and social vision of the new human and the humanity, based on first principles and first values, that can take us through this 11th hour of human history.

The Office for the Future is now being enacted as an umbrella initiative under which the key activist projects of The Center for Integral Wisdom together with the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, the Homo Amor Project, the Eros Project, One Mountain Many Paths, and the Outrageous Love Project and Festival, the Unique Self Institute and more, are being initiated.

At the core of the mission and vision of the Office for the Future is the writing of a Great Library, in written and media form, which participates in evolving the source code of consciousness and culture. The Office for the Future further recognize the urgent need to activate a new information ecology. The information ecology must be rooted in a new shared story of human value as the matrix for the emergence of a New Human, and a New Humanity. It is only a New Story of the Possible Human and the Possible Humanity that has ever changed history and evolved culture and consciousness. 


“ Reality is not a fact.
It is a story." 

That is the essence of the scientific theory of evolution. At the leading edge of evolutionary theory and meaning making, we realize that reality is not an ordinary story, it is a love story. It is however not an ordinary love story. It is a scientific, evolutionary love story, understanding love or Eros as the animating energy activating all the physical and non-physical forces of reality. The purpose of evolution is understood to be the evolution of love. The great joy and responsibility of every human being and of humanity is to pragmatically participate in the evolution of love. ”

This text represents the integrated thought of Dr. Marc Gafni, Dr. Zachary Stein, Ken Wilber & Barbara Marx Hubbard,